Hidden containment bladder automatically unfurls to capture large spills or drum leaks.
How do you take the lowest profile spill containment pallet / deck on the market, drastically reduce its footprint and remain in compliance with the EPA and SPCC spill containment regulations? You don't. Well.. you didn't. Not until we introduced the Ultra-Spill Deck Bladder Systems to the market that is.
In our never-ending quest for new and improved products, we looked at the already popular Ultra-Spill Decks and asked ourselves how we could make a single spill deck (1, 2 or 4-drum) EPA and SPCC compliant without being connected to other spill decks (the standard spill decks use bulkhead fittings to connect to other units, allowing them to share containment). The addition of a rolled up 66-gallon bladder made this possible. By adding this to any spill deck, we can provide a self-contained deck that meets the Federal Government's spill containment requirements.
Ultra-Spill Deck Bladder System - 1, 2, 4 Drum Capacity
- Ultra-Spill Deck Bladder Systems are low profile, polyethylene (LLDPE) containment decks which meet EPA and SPCC Spill Containment Regulations. Available in 1, 2 and 4-drum modules, the low 5 3/4" deck height allows safe and convenient drum loading, even without drum handling equipment. Add the optional polyethylene (LLDPE) loading ramp for even greater handling ease. Compact footprint saves valuable floor space - perfect for drum waste collection usage. Use the spill deck bladder systems in place of taller containment pallets - low 5 3/4" deck height offers significant safety and handling benefits. Overspills and small leaks are captured in the sump; catastrophic leaks deploy the bladder, allowing the system to meet regulations. Grating Surface 24 x 24 (609.6 x 609.6)